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Pete Seeger: Wealthy Communist

One of the cleverest of these harpies was Pete Seeger, the Harvard-educated banjo-picker who became a millionaire thanks to his copyrighted songs of the downtrodden.

One of the cleverest of these harpies was Pete Seeger, the Harvard-educated banjo-picker who became a millionaire thanks to his copyrighted songs of the downtrodden. There is no denial of his affection for Stalin. -Don Surber Go To Site

I was not just a Pete Seeger fan, but a to-the-hammer-born, born-and-bred cradle fan of Pete Seeger. With those credentials, permit me to take note of his passing with the observation that he was a fraud, a phony, a poseur, an imposter. The notion of folk music he espoused was a put-on from beginning to end. - David P. Goldman Go To Site

Pete Seeger aimed to change both our culture and our politics. Howard Husock wrote at NRO this week that he “was America’s most successful Communist.” I recall interviewing East German dissidents in 1989 who were still angry at Seeger and Kris Kristofferson for the concerts they did on behalf of the Communist regime that built the Berlin Wall. He was hailed in the pages of Neues Deutschland, the Communist-party newspaper in East Berlin, as “the Karl Marx of the teenagers.” -Totalitarian Troubadour, by John Fund Go To Site