Liberalism is a disease. We have the proof. We catalog liberal hypocrisy, hatred, violence, and fascist behavior. The liberal narrative is discredited here.

The Death Threats And Violent Wishes

There’s only one way the tragic airplane crash in Alaska that ended the life of former-U.S. Senator Ted Stevens could have been better, according to New Hampshire Democratic activist and State Rep. candidate Keith Halloran: If Sarah Palin had been on it.

In Monday’s premier of ABC’s rebooted ladies’ talk show The View, co-hostess Rosie Perez asked the show’s designated Republican when she felt the urge to “pop” vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin. -Tim Cavanaugh Go To Site

I probably hired her back, if you really want to get to the bottom of it, to give her a chance to say her piece and piss off the people that wanted her dead. -Roger Ailes Go To Site

Facebook has not taken down a vile page depicting former Alaska governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin holding a gun to her head while allowing users and "fans" to post messages on the page that wish for Palin's death. The website Pundit Press, which monitors Facebook pages that target conservatives, found a Facebook page titled, "I hate it when I wake up and Sarah Palin is still alive." The page shows "a cartoon caricature of Palin holding a pistol to her head" and has over 3,000 likes. The page, though, claims it is not advocating Palin's assassination. Go To Site

Democrat, Liberal, Hate, Incitement, Character, Misogyny, Jobs, Murder

Tweeting caught up with a White House national security official found to have been posting insults and secret information about the Obama administration and other political figures for more than two years... "So when will someone do us the favor of getting rid of (Republican and former vice presidential contender) Sarah Palin and the rest of her white trash family? What utter useless garbage?" he tweeted last year.

Liberal, Hate, Incitement, Violence, Misogyny, Racism, Threats, Stereotyping

The Republican V.P. nom would be "gang-raped by my big black brothers" if she enters Manhattan, Bernhard said.

Democrat, Liberal, Hate, Misogyny

A Democratic New Hampshire state lawmaker has resigned after speculating on Facebook about Sarah Palin's death. A second New Hampshire Democrat, an activist running for the state legislature, is apologizing for the same gaffe.

Hate, Guns

He even sent receipts from a gun purchase to Mrs Palin and her longtime friend, Kristan Cole.

Petitioner and counsel allege that the respondent has made numerous implied threats in his telephonic and written communication including references to his guns, telling petitioner that she better watch her back and saying that he is buying a one way ticket to Alaska and sending the receipt for purchase of the guns,’ were claims in the court document.

Coming after the attack by a deranged 22-year-old gunman on Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the threat caused alarm in the former vice presidential candidate’s camp.

Democrat, Liberal, Hate, Violence, Character, Misogyny

There’s only one way the tragic airplane crash in Alaska that ended the life of former-U.S. Senator Ted Stevens could have been better, according to New Hampshire Democratic activist and State Rep. candidate Keith Halloran: If Sarah Palin had been on it.

Liberal, Hate, Violence

I’m not sure if the various death wishes for Sarah Palin made on Twitter and Facebook, as a result of false accusations that Palin’s electoral target map caused the Tucson shooting, constitute death threats. Saying you hope someone is killed seems to walk right up to the line, if not across it. Screen shots of the death wish tweets are at Patterico, and a video montage is in my earlier post.

Liberal, Hate, Violence, Misogyny, Politics, Teaparty

Death 2 Palin family them retarded hillbillies take teabaggers w/ you hateful bitch

Liberal, Hate, Violence, Politics

An aide close to Sarah Palin says death threats and security threats have increased to an unprecedented level since the shooting in Arizona, and the former Alaska governor's team has been talking to security professionals.

Liberal, Hate, Violence

Sources connected with the show tell us extra security will be on hand tonight for the show. And, if Bristol and Mark head to New York, execs are talking about breaking format and not doing their interview outside in Times Square — but rather in the studio, where it’s more secure…

As one source said, “Everyone is genuinely worried. This is a dance competition, and it’s just gotten crazy.”

Hypocrisy, Liberal, Hate, Violence, Character, Misogyny

It’s a darned good thing that the person holding the sign that says, “Hope she chokes” (with the Obama logo a nice touch, by the way) is doing so in Eugene’s “hate-free zone.”

Liberal, Hate, Violence, Threats

Sarah Palin is getting unprecedented levels of threats against her and her family

Liberal, Hate, Incitement, Violence, Murder

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- The mayor of West Hollywood has condemned a Halloween display resembling Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin hanging by a noose.

Liberal, Hate, Incitement, Violence, Murder

The result was this video, Twitter Users Wish Death on Sarah Palin, originally posted at YouTube. It’s since been cross-posted on Vimeo because of a takedown notice they received from YouTube in response to a privacy complaint. That’s right, one of the haters who was brave enough to publicly tweet her yearning for the death of a former Governor and Vice Presidential candidate is now suddenly concerned for her Twitter privacy.

There’s only one way the tragic airplane crash in Alaska that ended the life of former-U.S. Senator Ted Stevens could have been better, according to New Hampshire Democratic activist and State Rep. candidate Keith Halloran: If Sarah Palin had been on it. Go To Site

Democrat, Liberal, Hate, Incitement, Violence, Guns, Politics, Murder

"My hatred for Sarah Palin continues to grow... I think this woman should be assassinated. Sorry about chya," was a message posted by "jenbobbi."

Another user, "misskate83," posted: "Sarah Palin should be shot for her encouragement of fanaticism against Democrats."


Palin's father Chuck said a man recently had sent the family photocopies of a receipt for a gun he had bought, together with a photocopy of a one-way ticket to Alaska. The family had laughed it off, but the man subsequently turned up in the state and was arrested by the FBI, Chuck said.

Liberal, Hate, Violence, Threats, Smears, Politics

At a recent show, the Material Girl flashed photos comparing John McCain to Adolf Hitler and threatened to "kick Sarah Palin's ass." But how welcome is her proselytizing when fans just want to get into the groove?

Liberal, Hate, Incitement, Violence, Misogyny

Maybe someone should kick Sarah Palin so she can understand how devastating obesity is to the future of the United States.

Democrat, Liberal, Hate, Violence, Misogyny, Politics

A Democratic candidate for state representative in New Hampshire expresses, on Facebook naturally, the wish that Sarah Palin and Levi Johnston had gone down with Ted Stevens's plane.

Hypocrisy, Liberal, Hate, Violence, Character, Misogyny, Smears, Adult, Feminism, Sexism

When Palin spoke on Wednesday night, my head almost exploded from the incandescent anger boiling in my skull. And I'm not the only one! I had simultaneous IM conversations with many friends, who said things like, "she seems like a fucking monster" and "this feminist wants to murk that idiotic cunt."

Liberal, Hate, Incitement, Character, Threats, Hollywood

Libyan Rebels kill Gaddafi, if American liberals want respect they better stop listening to Aretha & kill Sarah Palin.

Liberal, Hate, Incitement, Violence

Have you ever fantasized about beating Bill O'Reilly to death with a crowbar or shooting up the offices of Americans for Prosperity with an Uzi? Well, the folks at StarvingEyes Advergaming apparently have and they'd like to share their latest creation with the world. The game is called "Tea Party Zombies Must Die" and, apart from abysmal game play, features several different levels where your only objective is to mercilessly slaughter everyone around you whether they are a Fox News stars or simply Americans For Prosperity employees.

Liberal, Hate, Violence, Misogyny, Politics, Teaparty

Death 2 Palin family them retarded hillbillies take teabaggers w/ you hateful bitch

Liberal, Hate, Violence, Misogyny, Threats

Titus launched into a description of what he would do if Palin were elected. “You know what man?” Titus said. “I am going to literally — if she gets elected president, I am going to hang out on the grassy knoll all the time, just loaded and ready — because you know what? It’s for my country. It’s for my country. If I got to sacrifice myself, it’s for my country.”

Hypocrisy, Liberal, Hate, Incitement, Violence, Character, Misogyny, Murder

Now, I realize you play to a mostly liberal audience in Missoula and so, I am sure, felt comfortable in your calling for the beheading of Sarah Palin. I am painfully aware that most in the audience tittered with laughter and clapped because "no one would miss her" but there were some in your audience who took great offense to this "uncivil tone" about another human being.

Hypocrisy, Liberal, Hate, Character, Misogyny, Adult, Video, Tolerance

Twitter users respond to a perceived implied incitement to violence with actual calls for violence.

Democrat, Liberal, Hate, Violence, Character, Misogyny

There’s only one way the tragic airplane crash in Alaska that ended the life of former-U.S. Senator Ted Stevens could have been better, according to New Hampshire Democratic activist and State Rep. candidate Keith Halloran: If Sarah Palin had been on it.

Liberal, Hate, Incitement, Character, Hollywood, Murder

Actor Orlando Jones: American Liberals Need to Kill Sarah Palin