Hour for hour, there’s no better way to warm the planet than to fly in a plane. If you fly coach from Los Angeles to Paris and back, you’ve just emitted 3 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, 10 times what an average Kenyan emits in an entire year.
-Peter Kalmus
But the 10,000 or so Durban attendees -- official delegates, U.N. and government officials, journalists, NGO types, and other hangers-on -- will have a grand old time: two weeks of feasting, partying, living it up in luxury hotels, and greeting old friends at this 17th reunion -- all at someone else's expense.
Statesmen will arrive on the last day to sign important-sounding communiqués and quickly depart before having to explain just how they will "save the climate" and humanity.
-S. Fred Singer
Warming, Un
Global warming is now such a serious threat to mankind that climate change experts are calling for Second World War-style rationing in rich countries to bring down carbon emissions.
Liberal, Funny, Science, Un, Brilliance, Crazy, AntiAmerican, Ignorance
The second project was as successful as the first. It was euphemistically entitled “Petition to Ban the Use of Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO)” (translation water). It was designed to show that if official U.N. delegates could be duped by college students into banning water, that they could essentially fall for anything, including pseudo-scientific studies which claim to show that global warming is man-caused.
Environmentalist, Hypocrisy, Warming
More than 190 countries are meeting in the luxury resort for two weeks to discuss the best way to bring down global carbon emissions.
The total carbon footprint of the conference, according to the Mexican Government, is 25,000 tonnes.
Environmentalist, Warming, Liberal, Crazy, Religion
"the goddess of reason, creativity and weaving. May she inspire you -- because today, you are gathered in Cancun to weave together the elements of a solid response to climate change, using both reason and creativity as your tools."
Environmentalist, Hypocrisy, Warming
Their current theme is that developed nations should adopt rationing as a way to reduce standards of living.
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